Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Body Parts! Gross!

3 years ago I read this article in the NYTimes about early research into face transplants while I was high, and it totally freaked me out. Actually the Times had a bunch of scary articles around that time, like this one about human/animal amalgams used for medical purposes.
Way to freak me out Times. Yikes!

Um, anyway so I got totally icked out, but then before you know it face transplants are a go! And it's only really freaky because the 1st person they chose to get a donor face ended up being this suicidal French woman whose dog ate half her face off after she tried to overdose on painkillers.
I guess the face eating woke her up. As it would.

News today from East Coast correspondent Jeff, the Krauts bring us the 1st double arm transplant. How weird would that be to have no arms for 6 years (stupid farm machinery) and then to wake up with 2 arms that weren't even yours but that you could use.

Obvi it would be awesome to be able to like go to the bathroom by yourself again, but what a trip! I just hope they didn't use criminal mastermind arms because maybe you can control one arm but you're no match for 2 evil arms. What, are you going to foot wrestle them??

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