Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Dirty and Distinguished

I usually don't like to recommend anything Playboy since I find Hef so gross and his standards of lady hotness a little restricted (and blond) but I urge you, as a fellow patriot, to take Playboy's Presidential Sex Quiz.

I totally shocked myself by getting only one wrong! Go me!!! I honestly think that 'Mount Gushmore' is a great nickname for Lyndon Johnson's wiener. It's much more presidential than what he actually called it, a name I found very uninspired.
Boo Lyndon, boo.

Just as an aside, I want to give a quick and incredulous, REALLY?????? to Hugh Hefner's new 'girlfriends', 18 year old twins Karissa and Kristina Shannon. I don't care that they have felony aggravated assault charges against them (there's not exactly a line of Rhodes Scholars in front of the mansion)...but check out this pull from Karissa's myspace, "Obstacles r put into your life to see if wut u want is worth fighting for!!!"

Who does she think she is??? A text message from Prince?? In your dreams Karissa.

Also, my sister, WHO LIVED IN LA, and knows things, said Hugh doesn't have sex with his girlfriends, he just makes them watch gay porn in bed with him. Just telling you what I heard people.

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