Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Jill Biden = Rad Lady

Since Joe Biden is basically a non-entity in this race you're probably deafened by the Jill Biden silence. She's not black, didn't have a drug problem, and never shot anything out of a helicopter. Uh, so who cares?

Maybe you should check out the Vogue profile on her. She seems totally rad! It's worth noting that Joe Biden is completely surrounded on all sides by smart, awesome women, including his like 700 sisters and 10,000 nieces.

I'm personally in to her because she's from South Jersey, and is a community college teacher, but I think you'll pick up on her vibe after you read this -

It wasn't all that long ago that Jill Biden was forbidding her husband to run for president. She tells a funny story about a day when a bunch of Democratic Party bigwigs had planted themselves in her living room to try to convince Joe Biden that 2004 was his year to unseat George Bush. Jill was sitting out by the pool in a bikini—fuming. Unable to stand it any longer, she got up, found a Magic Marker, and wrote the word no across her stomach and then paraded through the meeting. "They got the message," she says with a laugh.

Feel me?? Plus! She was 53 at the time and still willing to use her body to send a political message.

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