Tuesday, September 23, 2008

What's New in Muppets?

First of all...how in the eff did they get this shot from the Great Muppet Caper??? It went on for-ever.

Second of all, great Muppet news all around! If you're into that kind of thing, and I am. There's a new Muppet movie coming out and it's being written by Jason Segel, from How I Met Your Mother and the writer/lead of Forgetting Sarah Marshall. I've been crushed out on that kid since Freaks and Geeks, but I think I got over it after seeing him naked for so long in Forgetting. TMI Jason.

Anyway! He's a Muppet traditionalist so there'll be no Muppets from Space or Muppet Treasure Island funny business going on. I personally think Muppets from Space is hy-sterical, but I look forward to a return to a more Capery kind of movie. Especially if it involves synchronized swimmers, diamond theves and Miss Piggy on a motorcycle. Plus lots and lots of Animal, Janis and Dr. Teeth.

But wait! There's more!!
MTV is working on a 'black' version of the Muppets with Kanye West. You have to scroll way to the bottom for the brief mention. That's basically all the info I could find on that subject but I will obvi keep you posted.


Update from bestie Jeff in Boston - brought to you from the good people at the muppet wiki - how the muppets rode bikes..TA-DA! My childhood is officially over.

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