Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Taking the bullet for you!

It's much, much, harder to listen to speeches from outside my comfy liberal echo chamber, but here's some, very, superficial reactions to the 1st real day of the RNC.

1. To me this looked like cowboy sperms swimming towards the cowboy egg. I'm sorry but I could not watch his speech. Honestly I'm pretending he's not still where he is which I won't even name because that makes it hard to pretend he's not there. If that makes any sense.

2. Fred Thompson had something stuck in his throat and coughed a lot. Also he is really old, but folksy.

3. I was able to stand Joe Lieberman because I knew he was McCain's first pick for VP and I know they're both sad about not getting to run together cause they're besties. Of course Lieberman's semi almost Democratic politics went over with the conservative wing of the GOP about as well as a bill to hand out condoms, meth and Queer Eye dvds in every elementary school playground. Poor little jerk face.

More tomorrow, I'm really looking forward to Sarah Palin's speech. Obvi we've heard a lot about her and her outdoorsily named children but the only words I've heard her say is that endlessly recycled sound byte about being a 'hockey mom'.
So more to come!

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