Thursday, September 25, 2008

Kooky Old Man Wears Makeup

Of course there's a zillion things I could say about John McCain but I'm trying to keep it lite! Fluffy! Glamorous! To that end...

Obvi everyone on TV wears ridiculous amounts of makeup so this is hardly revelatory BUT does everyone pay $5,500 per application??? Sorry, but if that's what he looks like with a high priced face job I shudder to think what he looks like naked. Shiver, I mean, shudder.

Is there a reality TV connection??? Duh, of course, it's psychedandsuch! The lady pictured here is Tifanie White who also did makeup for American Idol (hate) and So You Think You Can Dance (love). Make that money Tifanie! Maybe you can save up to spell your name right.

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