Monday, August 4, 2008

You know, down there...

Have you been reading all this hoo ha about women being ashamed of their hoo has?

The first time I even heard about there being a difference between 'good looking vaginas' and 'ugly vaginas' was from a quiz in a women's magazine, titled 'Are you ashamed of your genitals?' which totally blew my mind.

I was like, the hell? Honestly I didn't even know there were a bunch of different ways for the dang thing to look. PS. I looked for this bitch all over the internet but couldn't find it, sorry. I'll post it if/when it comes back into my life. It's kind of a trip.

I shelved it, but remembered it later (because we were eating tacos) and asked my then bf what the deal was. Long story short, one of the reasons we aren't together anymore is that he couldn't stand being asked if a lot of women were embarrassed by their vaginas in the middle of a crowded taqueria.

Dating me is not for the easily embarrassed. Sorry Packard.

Anyway now 'vaginal rejuvination' is BIG business. That's everything from, 'having their vaginas tightened, their mons pubis liposuctioned, their labial folds nipped and their clitoral hoods tucked.'

AND! This is all despite the fact that this shit runs up to 10 grand and most, reputable, gynos aggree,

You’re basically taking a risk for no or very little benefit” with most of these surgeries, says Dr. Thomas G. Stovall, immediate past president of the Society of Gynecological Surgeons. Stovall warns that with labiaplasties and vaginal tightening, patients run the risk of developing infection and scar tissue, which can decrease sensation – or worse, cause pain – in the areas where incisions have been made.

As for the claim that vaginal tightening can enhance sexual gratification, Stovall insists “there is no scientific basis” to support it. “It might make it better for her partners,” says Stovall, but the female patient is taking a risk without much prospect of personal benefit.

So you're out the price of a super nice used car, and not only can you not feel pleasure, sex now hurts. BUT you have the labial folds of a 20 yr old. Nice.

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