Thursday, August 14, 2008

Long Reads

If you have some time to kill, here's some VERY absorbing and very long articles-

You probably already heard about this month's Atlantic article that's a month by month (and sometimes week by week) break down of just exactly what the hell turned Hilary from a fait acompli into an embittered also-ran. If you haven't read it you should, let's just say, there were cooler heads on the campaign, but they NEVER prevaled. It also actually makes me fear Mark Penn in a way I really shouldn't since, you know, he's a stranger that lives 3000 miles away from me.
Awesome Mark Penn excerpt (about Obama): All of these articles about his boyhood in Indonesia and his life in Hawaii are geared towards showing his background is diverse, multicultural and putting that in a new light.
Save it for 2050.

Nice dude.

Then read this awesome New Yorker story about this french guy, Frederic Bourdin, who spent most of his life pretending to be a lost, abused, or runaway children. He takes it so far that one time, on the brink of being discovered he claims to be a missing Texas boy. Yeah he takes it so far that he goes and lives with the family for months even when it becomes pretty clear that the missing boy's mom and brother are probably behind his disapearance.

Check what happens when he gets found out, at 30 (!) and calling himself Francisco, for impersonating a lost and abused 15yr old -
When the police arrived, Chadourne sent the assistant principal to summon Francisco from class. As Francisco entered Chadourne’s office, the police seized him and thrust him against the wall, causing her to panic: what if he really was an abused orphan? Then, while handcuffing Bourdin, the police removed his baseball cap. There were no scars on his head; rather, he was going bald. “I want a lawyer,” he said, his voice suddenly dropping to that of a man.

It's awesome!

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