Monday, August 4, 2008

Did you even know??

That the Green Party is running a presidential ticket with 2 women of color???

I know that the Green party is taken about as seriously as Lindsay Lohan's Leggings Line (alteration!) but really! With all the historic election talk and growing recognition of the effects of global warming, you'd really think this would merit a 30 second blurb on the end of the nightly news or half a paragraph somewhere in that liberal rag, the Jew York Times.

I mean, I live here at the corner of state sanctioned sodomy and earth first doggy yoga and today's the first sniff I got of it. I love me some Barak, but I gotta say, I'm feeling pretty tempted to cast my lot with Cynthia and Rosa.
Plus those names don't sound so Muslim.
Just kidding, just kidding.

I will say though, if you live in a lock Democratic state it might not be a bad idea to use your vote to send a message. Not only about race and gender, but about protecting, you know, the planet.
If you're like me, you have all your stuff here, and you don't want it to get all fucked with.

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