Monday, August 25, 2008

Finally Something to Believe in!!!!!

Finally the Alien from World Weekly News speaks!
And it's official, Barack Obama for the win!!!!!

I'm soooo relieved that I don't have to worry any more. I mean this Alien is crazy prescient! Maybe our two races have more in common than we once thought.

Oh and, um, Michael Phelps is related to the Bat Boy

Apparently his secret weapon was swooping around Beijing devouring swarms of protein rich mosquitoes.
Smart Phelps.
You have to admit, the resemblance is uncanny.


Juicesky said...

I love how McCain is trying to elbow for some face time with the alien in the photo. I think I need to go work for the Weekly World News. That's fucking amazing.

the gmh. said...

Whoa, that's an eerie comparison.