Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Simpsons to go Postal

Sorry, I know that joke is total low hanging fruit but it completely blocked out all other jokes with it's obviousness.
Point? The USPS is creating a series of postage stamps with Marge, Homer, Bart, Lisa and Maggie on them. This is great news but so much of what makes the Simpsons great is the ancillary characters.

My favorite extra characters are Mr. Burns and Nelson but just the addition of Maggie's nemesis, the baby with the unibrow, to the opening montage puts a sting of joy in my heart every Sunday. Too dorky? It's hard to tell sometimes.

PS. Did you know that the Simpsons is the longest running prime time comedy in TV history?? It makes sense since when it debuted Bart and I were the same age.

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