Friday, April 17, 2009

Let's Just Let This Happen

538, predictor of everything, has a strong argument for just letting Texas secede from the union. This is something that Republican Gov Rick Perry has been mumbling about, not the sodomites here in San Francisco, so step away from the high horse.

The reasons include all kinds of goodies like Dems having a filibuster proof majority in the Senate and more electoral votes being transferring to California and Gore winning in 2000. (Time machines are part of what will change in this scenario). But the best and least explicable reason is, 'If Texas were not in the Union, there'd be a good case for making football an Olympic sport, which would sure as hell beat rhythmic gymnastics.'

Who in Texas is keeping football from being an Olympic sport?? I'll have to look into that conspiracy, it's a new one for me.

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