Wednesday, July 9, 2008

So embarassed

I think I've said before that one of the ways I augment my cash flow is by participating in paid market research groups. It's hit or miss but they typically pay out $100 for an hour or 2 which is obvi great. Unless you make that much hourly from your real job, in which case you should think about buying me some drinks.

Tonight I was in one to test a text messaging game that you could play in real time while you're watching this season's Big Brother. Yes I watch a lot of reality tv, but you should know that among hard core reality tv viewers, Big Brother is king. The fans are completely and totally rabid and I would usually not advertise the fact that I walk among them. So it was a very strange feeling to be in a room filled with 15 of them.

First of all they made everyone wear a name badge which also had the name of their favorite BB winner. As soon as I sat down the guy next to me, looked at me, said, "Lisa?" made a scoffing noise and said, "everyone here is in the Dr. Will camp so you're out numbered."
Hello to you too, sir.

After some bizaro talk about who likes Julie Chen and which former house guests have been in gay porn they showed a sample episode and had us play the text game. I'm embarassed to say I was waaaaaaaay ahead for the whole time, completly enraging the comic book guy looking guy. Fortunately/unfortunately I was beat out in the last 2 questions by this other bitch.

It all ended happily though when they handed me my check. Yay money!!

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