Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Um, Uplifting, Sort Of

I was half weirdly cheered, half totally depressed by these two stories.
Which ev you choose there's no denying they are both pretty amazing. These are some sisters who are doin' it for themselves, but in a real Tarantino kind of way.

In India, over the weekend a man set his wife on fire only to die hours later. After he threw the match on her she grabbed him in a bear hug and wouldn't let go till he was engulfed in flames too. All his neighbors, who had heard him beating his wife earlier that night, refused him help.

In China a business man made his 5 mistresses compete to see which would survive and 'win him' during these tough economic times. The 1st mistress to be eliminated, for being the least educated (no word on how she did on the liquor holding competition), retaliated by driving him and the 4 other mistresses off a cliff, killing herself and wounding the others. All the mistresses and his wife have since left him.

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