Monday, February 16, 2009

Go For the Gold!!

Did you know that men can compete in 40 more Olympic sports than women??
That's not just like, boxing and wrestling but also stuff like ski jumping and a whole bunch of cycling events.

Usually Olympics defenders, blah, blah that there's just not enough world class female athletes to make it a real competition, which is actually total bullshit at this point.
Plus, wasn't the whole plot of 'Cool Runnings' that any old shitty men's team can compete in anything they want? Why can't we (not me, but we, you know women) have that same right?? Can't you see a lot of great movie treatments coming out of this?

Anyway England's Olympic Minister, Tessa Jowell, a lady, is calling 'shenanigans!' on the international Olympic committee and is agitating to open all sports to both sexes.

Added benefit?? Yeah, male syncronized swimming!!!!
What?? I'm there people!

1 comment:

cinemaparadiso said...

mens sport is always better to watch, people generally dont give a damn about womens football championships and the like.. call it natural balance or biology. mens bodies are naturally athletic, womens bodies are weaker and not constructed for fighting by nature