Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Who's Getting Pardoned

George Bush is so weird! I will never get over it!
One second he seems like the embodiment of a sneer, and the next he just seems like this goofy, oblivious guy happy just to be around.

Evidence of goofy obliviousness.

Oh hey, Paul, congrats on that Nobel Prize! Now what did you win that for again??? I forgot, well good job anyway!

Related: How cute is Paul Krugman in this photo? Answer: Of woodland gnome-like proportions!

I also expected so pretty evil pardons coming off Bush's desk.
Maybe they're still to come but here's who got pardoned this week - Leslie Owen Collier who plead guilty to killing 3 bald eagles with poisoned hamburger meat, and Fugees collaborator and drug smuggler John Forte. It's weird that he's pardoning Collier, since, you know, bald eagles = freedom, but as far as I can tell it's because his motivations were anti-environmentalist. I guess.
Forte apears have been pardoned because he went to Exeter which is a schmancy private academy for rich people in New Hampshire.

The rest of the list is some dirty bankers, a whole lot of drug related offences for some reason, and more hunters. Plus unlawful use of food stamps. Weird!

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