Sunday, May 4, 2008


2nd post and I wanted to talk about one of my favorite things.
It's amazing and it changed my life and it's called Redline.

OK, it has very scary marketing which self identifies it's formula as "this freaky scientific..breakthrough"
and it promises to harness the body's shivering and sweating power at the same time. Which obviously sounds horrifying.
I will also admit that the daily recommended dose of 4-6 caplets per day is frightening. I definitely would not attempt it unless you are in a hospital with defribulator paddles taped to your hands, AND you better hope those paddles are heavy because you are going to be in the mood to pump some serious iron.

Yeah, so what's so great about them?
Are you old? Not old, old in the conventional sense, but old like you have to get up in the middle of the night to pee, and suddenly Hall and Oats is like the best band ever, and you're tired at 11:30 on Friday night?
Yeah, I'm that kind of old and I know 30's the new 21 but that's bullshit, stop fooling yourself. Just be glad you don't have to waitress anymore, or live with 300 people or whatever annoying thing you had to do back then.

Um, anyway, I don't care that 'Rich Girl' and 'I Can't go for That' are in heavy rotation, but my will to party does not always match up with my ability to party.
And sometimes you have to party.
The first time I encountered Red Line was an hour before Maggie and Tom's wedding. Jake and I were exhausted and Cormac, workout supplements whore slash afficionado, pushed the magic beans on us, and told us the first taste was free. (that's not verbatim what went down)

So yeah, it worked. Even though there was only wine and Sierra Nevada at the reception we stayed, we partied, we laughed, we cried, it was better than Cats.
You know what I mean?
I was like, "Awesome, this shit is awesome! Love it. For life!"
Jake on the other hand, was deeply disturbed by the experience, and I won't lie, his pupils were dilated for over a day. He does not share my love for Redline.

You're supposed to use Redline for working out. Now I love working out, but for me, two great tastes that do not taste great together. The few times I've attempted, I've pushed myself way past my limits and I always find myself sitting on a weight bench, grunting like a bull and on the verge of passing out.
I know, not a pretty picture, sorry.

As an aside, while I was visiting Dimitri in Phoenix, he told me he has a similar love for Hydroxycut. So we took Redline Friday night and Hydroxycut Saturday night and we both ended up cursing each other in the morning.
Hydroxycut is evil. Though I also blame the $2 vodka tonics and the novelty of being in a club attached to a Chinese liquor store.

So proceed at your own risk, especially if you're afraid of extended pupil dilation or easily impressed by bars in strip malls but my love is forever.

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