Thursday, May 22, 2008

Best. Oprah. Ever.

I really don't care, yes I love Oprah.
Yes, I watch her every day.
Yes, I got Tivo when I got a 9-5 specifically so I wouldn't miss her shows.
So what!

Some times she disappoints, I'm not so into her celebrity interviews and shows where she gives shit away. I mean, every episode can't be women who got gastric bypass, lost hundreds of pounds and then became sex addicts or alcoholics. Those gems are to be relished when they come.

But yesterday Oprah really delivered, for real!

First of all the topic was people struggling with OCD which is probably my favorite mental disability to hear about. So awesome.
Then it had Dr. Oz, who is one of my TV boyfriends.
Love him!

Then the doctors and the OCD people all met up on the steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art, also known as the Rocky steps, also known as the place my Mom works as a docent.

Then to cap it all off, they took a bus to Camp Ockanickon, a camp we used to go to when I was in (ahem) Girl Scouts. Which was nice, because, memories. It's also the first place I learned about the Jersey Devil and how he was going to come eat us if we didn't 'Shut the fuck up and go to sleep already!'

The show totally delivered. I don't want to ruin it for you but toilet seats were licked and pancakes were thrown up and in the end everyone was able to stop combing the fringe on their rug, use the toilet and eat food with their hands! Yay for everyone!

If you want a recap and more pictures, check it out!!

1 comment:

White Lightning said...

not you di-int start a blog and not let a girl KNOW ABOUT IT..did you? you did.

i love it! now we never have to see each other ever again, we can visit each other's internet presence