Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Stop. Snookie Time!

Do I have to explain who Snookie is? Even my friend Sam who prides himself on knowing nothing about TV said she was the best thing he ever saw. She's absolutely endlessly quotable on the Jersey Shore. I could easily quit my job and just spend 40hr a week compiling lists of quotes and animated gifs of her, but I need the money so that isn't going to happen. Plus Rich already does that at FourFour.

I do however want to clue you in to the pure joy that is following Nicole Polizzi (aka Snookie) on twitter. I follow a lot of reality TV people on twitter (no judgement!) but most of them are beyond innane. I get it, you're awake and headed to Malibu, your dog is your best friend, and you're getting ready to go to da club.

Please enjoy sampling of Snookie's wit and wisdom from the past 4 days.

- lol every car that I pass people just look miserable. I'm about to fist pump outa the window to put some smiles on these new yorkers

-i think im the only person that would lose her nose ring while dancing. it legit flew out =( damnit (-_-)

- wow this cop broad loves to ride that horse down 8th ave...easyyy

- can I just have a week off so I can escape upstate to relax & rip it on the snowmobile? k thanks

- shamwow guy says were gonna love his nuts. I don't think so

- a bird just attacked this guys ass in the airport lmao wtf goes on

- i like tribal tattoos! Yum

-i forgot my clips! no poof tonight! =( still goin wild tonight! yay ft laud

-gettin ready and goin down to the cascino to fist pump with the 900 senior citizens here @hardrock

- just did the weather for the tristsate area! its gonna snow pickles tuesday. Now to Inside Edition to do Snooki makeover

That's weird, it's not snowing pickles here...

1 comment:

erin said...

I am totes guilty of following (and enjoying) Snookie on Twitter!