Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Avatar Make-up Tutorial

You may have seen this already but there's no way you've watched it more times than I have. I'm basically ready to drive to where ever this girl lives and force her to be my best friend. Like Misery style.

'You may have noticed the black lines they have on their faces. Each line represents...well it means something different for everyone. But in this case we'll say... how many times I said I was a virgin. 8 times isn't a lot. Neither is 10, okay"


erin said...

OMG, please please please- if you find her and drive there....take me with you???

Psyched and Such said...

Road trip!!

riki lynn said...

It's possible she is under the influence of...something. But it's also highly possible she is not. Web cams are to today's youth what snorting caffeine pills were to us? Or maybe she isn't one of today's youth? I am sooooo confused.....

Christopher A. Brown said...

I will pay for gas on this magical road trip! Erin has to drive.