Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Set Your Voyerism to 'Stun'!

As a gift to the people of the world, VH1 has posted the entire 1st episode of Celebrity Rehab 3 on their website. Yes, the best show to drink bourbon and abuse drugs to (after Intervention of course) is back. My hands are shaking, my throat is dry, I'm paranoid, and all I want is to drink a 2 liter of Mountian Dew and take my bike apart. It's all very exciting.

As you can see from the preview, the cast is amazing! Being on Celebrity Rehab is what caused Mackenzie Phillips to come out about boning with her Dad on Oprah. With results like that you know it's going to be a good one. Also very excited about Dennis Rodman (you are too if you watched him on Celebrity Apprentice) and Heidi Fliess aka the Hollywood madam.

Here's Dennis's boardroom intervention. Thanks Donald!

1 comment:

erin said...

My Tivo is alllll set. Sad what excites me in January!