Thursday, January 8, 2009

Let's Talk About Sex

If you're like me (and who isn't) you're super into Jared Diamond, the weirdly facial haired guy who wrote 'Guns Germs and Steel' my most favorite book.
To read stoned.
No just kidding, it's awesome even if you're sober.

Well Jared's got a lot of opinions on a lot of subjects and a lot of research to back that shit up.
Reading his work makes you interesting at parties.

Since that's my only goal in life, I've been reading this awesome article from 1993 (!) on why sex is fun. (though Jared would say, 'why women don't conspicuously ovulate' which in itself is not as fun to say.)

Read it, memorize a statistic and impress someone at a party!

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