Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Happy New Black President!!!

I'm sure it feels as surreal to you as it does to me.
The most surreal feeling is that I have nothing sarcastic to say, which is unnerving.

So lets all just hold hands (metaphorically, I'm alone in the office now) hum the 'America the Beautiful' and enjoy the NYTimes slide show.
Here's my faves:

1. The Obamas and Bidens waving good bye to the Bushes as they leave Washington

They're all, 'Don't let the door knob hit ya, where the dog shoulda bit ya!'

2. Aretha and her nonpareil hat show you how it's done!!!

In the immortal words of JayZ, 'You need to R E S P E C T me' Which is kind of similar to the way Aretha said it but it sounds a lot different coming out.

3. I kind of have a weird crush on Chuck Rangel

And now you do too!

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