Monday, December 8, 2008

Who I'm Stalking Lately

The man that I'm currently stalking is someone I would usually consider a 'desperate cry for attention' (DCA). Why? Well he's never to be seen without one of what I realized is a series of tri-cornered hats.
Seen left on Hugh and Mel.

Yes, an 18th century colonial American tri cornered hat! He has one in leather (!) and 2 in felt. When I'm running late for work I frequently see him in the last car of the BART to SF.

So at 1st I was like, 'Ugh total DCA wearing a leather tri-cornered hat at 8:30am.' but now I sort of applaud his committment to doing what he wants.

A big break in his identity came on Friday when I saw him in a group picture promoting a company wide happy hour at 111 Minna. OMG! He works at the Academy??? I must know for sure. So this morning I spotted him with glee and brazenly sat RIGHT NEXT to him. I've come to preffer the leather tri-corner, but he was wearing the navy blue felt. I then proceeded to inwardly giggle for 20min.

I tracked him out of the BART station but the findings were inconclusive. He doesn't work in my building, or the one across the street. But the Academy has about 1,000 locations all over SF so the hunt continues!!!

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