Tuesday, May 5, 2009

You Tell ME a Better Name

Today on the comute to work the woman who picked me up (casual carpool, not shady hitch hiking style) was one of those furious radio station changers. 10 seconds of NPR, 10 of the local college station, 10 seconds of a cd, 10 seconds of gross out morning dj. So I don't know where in the mix this was but SOMEONE did a story about one of my favorite Oakland landmarks, God's Gym. On Broadway and 25th, right in the dag middle of the Auto Row.

I've always wondered, who are these people? Do they play Christian Rock in the step classes? Do the diet plans have olde tyme foods like dates and millet and what not? Do you not need a spotter because, well, Jesus?

We may never know...I didn't get to hear the whole program but it did make me want to share some sweet pictures so you could start wondering too. Let me know if you come up with any good theories.
Because scraggly, skinny, hipster Jesus is soooooooo 2008. This is the Jesus who will have your back.

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