Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Elizabeth Edwards, Tells Some

Time has some new excerpts from EE's new book about her lyin' cheatin', God complex havin' husband.

It all started romantically enough when Rielle came up to John in a hotel and said, 'you're hot'.

"...if you had asked me to wager that house we were building on whether my husband of then 28 years would have responded to a come-on line like that, I would have said no."

Even though John said he told her he had a piece on the side before he decided to run for president, she says he waited till 2 days after he announced his candidacy. Shady.
Also, "After I cried and screamed, I went to the bathroom and threw up."
Understandably gross.

Plus he totes tried to play it like they humped once and not, in fact, a whole bunch of times. Which is what was up.
"More than a year later, I learned that he had allowed [the woman] into our lives and had not, even when he knew better, made her leave us alone."

And lets not forget for a second that this woman had and still has the Big C, cancer.

She has, however, let the dog out of the dog house and back into the people house. I don't judge but John Edwards is seriously on my shit list. Just keep him out of politics and away from my face Elizabeth.
Thank you, and get well soon.

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