Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Jokes, They Write Themselves

Did you know that the White House has a flickr photostream?? Yeah, they're not all gems but for every, President Obama talks to Prime Minister Blah Blah Wazhisnuts, there's a President Obama talks to a fake pirate.
'I think some new ARRRRRRt work would really jazz this room up.'

In a slightly related note I suggest you read this Planet Money article about the ecconomic system behind all the Somali pirates that were so big last month. People like Rush Limbaugh try to act like it's just 6 teenagers in a speed boat but they're actually highly organized, financed and well planned out business ventures with a very high rate of return for investors.

"Think of it as everything you would need to go into the cruise ship business," Pham says. "Everything that you would need to run a cruise ship line, short of the entertainment, you need to run a piracy operation."

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